For starters, if you don’t have an active Xbox Live Gold or PlayStation Plus subscription, you can’t participate in multiplayer no matter what. Of course, the multiplayer mode has several limitations. You can also turn on friendly fire and tweak its damage output, determine whether visiting guests can customize your HQ, and even activate the ability to prank your ally. You can change a session’s privacy settings to let anyone join via matchmaking (Open to All), only let friends join (Friends Only), or only let players you invite in (Invite Only). While those are all of the main multiplayer modes available in Saints Row, you can still tweak your experience by selecting “Co-op Settings” from either the options menu or the co-op menu. You don’t have to send them an invite since the game automatically does that for you, but the randomly chosen player still has to let you in That setting works a lot like “Join Friend” except instead of selecting from a list of friends, it pulls a random player’s name out of a hat and tries to pair them with you. If you’d prefer to team up with a random gamer, the “Matchmaking” option is right up your alley. The process basically works the same as inviting a friend but functions in reverse since you are asking a friend permission to team up. If you don’t want to host a game and would rather join someone else’s world, you can use the “Join Friend” option either from the main menu or while in a co-op campaign. Confirm the notification, and your friend is now a part of your in-game world. If they accept, a popup will ask you if you want your friend to join your game (even though you just sent them an invitation stating you want them to). Simply select the person you want to play with, and the game will send them an invitation. “Invite Friend” will bring up all of your friends who are currently online and playing the game. While playing a co-op campaign, go to the pause menu and select the “Co-op” option, which brings up three more choices: Join Friend, Invite Friend, and Co-op Settings.

From there, you can just play as normal and wait for a friend or random stranger to join your game, or you can pick and choose who can join your crew.

Once you’ve selected that mode, simply choose the save file you want to use, and Saints Row will load you into it, ready for some co-op action. The Host Game option lets you team with an ally using one of your normal campaign saves.